i am a complete sucker for journals.
i love, love, love them.
that being said, I probably have about 1,271 journals that are about a quarter of the way filled out. I just lose zest and think the solution to write more would be... dun dun dun...
another journal :)
vicious cycle continues.
a few months ago I came across the one sentence journals and thought what a great idea they were.
i went with the "happiness project" journal and have absolutley loved it.
it forces me to slow down, and for at least two minutes a day, reflect on what I am grateful for.
and then eventually, in one nice, neat organized little place, you will have a five year record of a brief snippet of your everyday life.
what else i LOVE about this journal is the quotes. There is one for every day, and they range from light-hearted to deep, Buddha ism's :)
the quote a few days ago really struck a cord.
i so love it. so true! and the way to avoid it? be happy in THIS moment. i haven't quite got it all down, but I am doing everything in my might these days to just soak up the moment and be happy. even if that means taking pictures of what my errands got me on friday :)
these things just make me so happy. it might be silly, it might seem so irrelevant but it makes me happy and makes me smile. and if in these cold, dark, dreary days, some daffadils brighten my afternoon? then so be it :)
what little things are making you happy these days?