One of the questions was simple enough. "Are you married?" I would ask, and get a funny look back. Some would shrug their shoulders and answer with "I guess I am, a little," or "No, not really." I thought that was an odd response. I thought being married was kinda either a yes or no question, like "are you pregnant?" No real in-between. After like five in a row of these answers I decided to do some research. Maybe marriage was different in the hispanic culture? Could it be a yes on Mondays, no on Tuesday type of thing?
No. I was wrong. Marriage is just as sacred in Mexico as it is here...
Come to find out, I was asking everyone if they were "tired", not "married"... :)
I know the difference between the two words, casada and cansada, but I guess my white girl tongue and accent made it a little difficult to tell them apart :)
I explained my mix-up to one of the young women who laughed and laughed and said "Married, tired. Same thing right?"
I had to laugh. Marriage is tiring. (Well, I am not married but in a relationship so I can have an opinion I decided, plus it's MY blog :)
Relationships ARE tiring. Good tiring though. They are a lot of hard work :) But so worth it.
So, following in Krislyn's style, I am going to start telling my story...
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