This kind of sums up how I have felt this last week.
I think I have a Las Vegas/vacation hangover.
My life was going so good as scheduled. Wake up, go for a run if it wasn't raining, get ready for work, go to work, hit the gym, hang out. It was great and totally worked for me. Then the un-routine of vacation hit. Staying up late (which I NEVER do), not eating oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast (we all know how I feel about my routines) being in the sun (hence the sunburned cheeks) and the rapid consumption of alcohol. (The Eiffel tower sounded like a GREAT idea at the time. Not so much after about 15 minutes. It is HEAVY and kinda hard to lug around too :))
The trip was GREAT, but we came back and had to wake up bright and early for work the next morning, so I feel like I haven't really recovered :) My skin is starting to peel from the sunburn and my blisters are getting a little better from my stupid heels :) and I think I finally pulled the last few pieces of clothes out of my suitcase :/
My room is a DISASTER, I can't find my lunch box and have had to eat Lean Cuisines all week at work for lunch :) I skipped Weight Watchers Weigh in (which is NOT a good thing) and couldn't even tell ya where I last saw my running shoes.
So. When the feeling sorry for myself starting getting kind of old and there were no more cookies left in the house, I decided to suck it up and get over myself. I knew some sort of exercise would make me feel better and hopefully kind of jump start me out of my little post-Vegas funk.
So Drew read this book about a Navy Seal and when he finished, he let my dad read it. My dad hasn't put that thing down and won't stop talking about it.
Put these two things together? Not a fun run for Lindsay :)
First of all, I usually run in the first part of the day so the fact that it was evening made me feel all weird. I had just eaten and hadn't gone to the bathroom so I felt really full and just uncomfortable. But whatever. I could also feel all the alcohol toxins from those long island iced teas coming out of my skin :)
So off we go. Then the book kicks in. I say "Ohh man I am so full." My dad responds with "You will feel more full when I push you in that creek..."? He would circle around me yelling in a Sergeant voice, "LETS GO expletive expletive, inappropriate military lingo."
At one point in the run, I look up and he is in the MIDDLE of the street doing PUSHUPS!
I am so annoyed at this point I want to slap him. But I also am gasping for air in between my fits of laughter. He is such a nerd.
About halfway through our run when I DEFINITELY have to go pee and can barely waddle along he says, "see that white flag pole up there?" (it's probably about 1/2 mile away) I nod. He says (in his military imitation voice of course) that if I beat him to that spot, he will pay off my car loan. And then he takes off sprinting. O.M.G. Is that not the meanest thing ever? He KNOWS I am sooo uncomfortable and couldn't run fast if a freaking tiger was going to eat me.
I finally make it to the pole where I find my dad leaned up against it, looking bored with a huge grin on his face, as if he was saying "gggeeeez. about time. where have you been?"
I am giggling in between wanting to burst into tears because when I am in good running shape, I could have given him a SLIGHT run for his money (no pun intended) and how freaking awesome would it be to not have to pay on my car???? :)
He continues to annoy me for the last mile and I watch him sprint ahead of me and run circles while he waits :)
I finaaaalllyy make it home and proceed to go find the Navy Seal book and burn it. No. Not really. I just realize how NOT cut out I am for the military and I would probably get forced to leave anyways if my Sergeant was ANYTHING like my father :)
Even though my mile splits were HORRID and I felt every bite of my Vegas splurges wiggle and jiggle on my stomach, I FELT SO MUCH BETTER after my run. Even without having my pre-run protein/carb snack and stretching the right way and listening to my "workout" playlist starting from song #6 I still survived.
It might not have been the most fun or the most comfortable workout, it got those endorphins going and reminded me that just because I was in a little bit of a funk, there is always time to start again. :)
So bring it Monday :) Because if I can survive four miles with First Lieutenant Greg, I can get back on track with anything :)