We had to sort through all the stuff we had been collecting for the Relay For Life garage sale.
Let me start by saying I am not a fan of garage sales. I am always so jealous of the people who can go find adorable stuff, paint it, and it looks amazing. When I go, I can not find ANYTHING.
Let me start by saying I am not a fan of garage sales. I am always so jealous of the people who can go find adorable stuff, paint it, and it looks amazing. When I go, I can not find ANYTHING.
That being sad, here are my favorite treasures from going through all the donations:
There was the "normal" weird garage sale stuff. Like these elf boxers. Like "ohh ha, ha, that is funny" but then when you grab it to move to the holiday section you are like "eww I wonder who wore that?"
Oh wait! This could go with it. And make for one fuuun christmas eve ;)
Is this duck hamper not the cutest thing you have ever seen?
Now really. Who would buy this hat? While yes, my Mom can rock it, I just could not stop laughing. Well, summer is coming, maybe it will prevent scalp sunburns??
A case to hold a serving of pringles so they don't get smushed in your lunchbox. I may or may not have made a big deal about what a waste of plastic this was and then I may or may not have secretly put it in my car to take home ;)
Enough. Said. Even more disturbing? My aunt who is a garage sale PRO says they will for sure sell...
I really hope no one buys this. Or at least I hope I don't have to meet the person who buys it.
We found my sister a beautiful purse that matched her sparkly toms. Hehe. Hottiiieee. :)
Then there was this beauty. Kind of reminds me of Jon Benet and it really creeps me out.
While we had TONS of laughs going through all this stuff, I would buy it all in a HEARTBEAT and prominently display it in my house to raise money to find a cure for cancer.
A BIG thanks to everyone who collected things this last year to donate to our garage sale. Every little cent we make will go to fight this awful disease.
So, if you are around next weekend and need some feminine hygiene products, you know where to come :)
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