Even thought I am the first to admit it is ONLY AUGUST 7TH, with all the back-to-school clothing sales and school supplies all over the stores, not too mention Drew has started to talk about his fantasy football team, we just cannot avoid it. Fall is just around the corner.
Some days I am SO excited for sweaters and new jeans (we are still school clothes shopping right, mom? So what if your daughters are 21 & 25???) and other days the mere THOUGHT of putting away the swimsuits makes me feel sick.
Previews for the new Fall TV shows look kinda funny (come on, you know you laugh when that girl comes down the stairs all dressed and her husband asks if her overalls were dirty?) but yet we know we don't want Sunday television to be taken OVER by the NFL.
It's a very tough transition. Early September to Late September. Ugh. Ugh. Mike's Hard Lemonades to Pumpkin Spice lattes. Need I go on? Or do you get the point? I thought so. :)
Buuuuut. ya know how life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it?
That means....... The wet, rainy, fall days and the snowy cold, frozen windshield-get-up -early to-go-to-work winter mornings? We can only blame that for 10% of our bad moods. :)
EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. CAN BE SUMMER (90% summer, that is. the other 10% is the freezing weather or non-stop rain we just have to deal with. Is that not hte best logic ever, or what? I know. I am brilliant ;))
So if you are starting to dread the days where your biggest worry is not being able to push the paddle boat in by yourself, or you are starting to get sad you will have to retire your water-shoes soon. DON'T!
Summer is a mindset, baby. :)
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