I usually don't really watch movies that are copied after books because the movie just always seems to ruin the book :) I like to keep the characters in my head the way I picture them, not what Steven Spiehlberg casts :)
So I didn't see The Help when it came out.
Fast forward to tonight. I texted my momma's bestie telling her that I missed my wedding planner. (she is my wedding planner. so when ya'all don't like your seating arrangment? It's her to go after. ;) She texted me back, asking if I wanted to go see The Help tonight with her and her friend Heather!
I first thought... umm.. The Help is STILL out?
So I went.
and I literally haven't stopped gushing tears for the last 17 straight minutes. Like seriously, the top of my sweater is SOPPING wet from my tears.
seriously. those women are SO brave. So many times came flooding back into my head of times when I totally went with the flow, went with what the "cool" kids were doing, or just agreed because I was too embarrassed.
This movie shows the other side; just how influential our words can be.
Hurtful phrases that you don't even think twice about? You have NO idea the effect of those.
Something as simple as "You is kind, you is smart, you is important?" You have NO idea how important that message can be. ;)
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