how this bouquet of flowers can be over five hundred dollars. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS?!?!?!
what the difference is between a size 34 x 36 and a 36 x 34 in guys pants? I am still so confused about this part of the male fashion world.. really? if you need one and they only have the other, what in the heck is wrong with trying to make it work? come on guys.
why am i not a teacher? NO SCHOOL FOR THE NEXT THREE-ish MONTHS AND a paycheck? I know, I know, this really isn't the case, but still. at about this time in the summer, I always find myself questioning my career choice.
why baby gap flats are the same price as adult gap flats? there is seriously like less than half the amount of fabric!!!!!?!?!!?!
what would it be like to eat 12,000 calories a day? Michael Phelps is getting in prime shape for the Olympics and I was reading an article about his diet. I mean, yeah, 12,000 calories is a LOT. but could you actually IMAGINE eating that many?!?!?!?!??!
I most CERTAINTLY can't grasp this tweet I saw today.
"Would you notice if Jesus walked by? "He had no beauty to attract us to himself, nothing special in his appearance. Isa. 53:2"
happy weekend, everyone :)
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