he was younger than me, but we were the best of buddies. we would play racketball, basketball, imagine our lives if we won the lottery and most importantly we played "diving for golf balls" game.
tonight he had a buddy over to the lake cabin and i looked outside while i was folding clothes and thinking about what I was going to cook for dinner and saw them sitting on the deck, looking at the lake, drinking some brews and just relaxing.
for a second, my heart ached. just for the innocence and imagination that we had when we were little. i didn't care what i looked like in my swim suit, he didn't care about his tan or 6 pack abs. we played and played and played until our moms made us come inside.
for a split second (i don't think it helped that i had country music playing in the background) I just got really sentimental for the olden days.
what if i had taken a different path?
what if instead of leaving 2.5 minutes from where I grew up I lived 250 miles away? or halfway around the world?
what if instead of going to college I had decided to travel and found a new place to call home?
what if i hadn't gone to WWU and had not ended up meeting Drew?
i just had this weird fleeting moment of "what if?"
i was kinda bumming and walked into the bathroom.
I yelled at drew for leaving pee in the toilet (too much information? :)) and really started to wonder. is this what it's all about? flushing the toilet after my husband???
his reply almost made me cry.
"i didn't want to flush while you were in the shower because it turns the water cold!"
Having chores and car payments and lawns to mow and work to go to doesn't always seem like such a great plan when we have memories of the days when we were carefree and the world was ours.
ya know what? the world is still ours, and now we have a partner to tackle it with. :) and i wouldn't want anyone else on my side ;)
Nice perspective! Every once in awhile this happens to me to. Like I see a guy who used to have a crush on me and he has a really good job and a new lifted truck and I think what if, or why am I here struggling to make ends meet. Then I just have to remind myself that Chris is my soul mate and I seriously could not imagine spending my life with anyone else. In fact the idea of any other guy pretty much grosses me out! haha