You may remember my other weird post about hotdogs with the spaghetti noodles coming out of it. I randomly came across this pictures and almost puked. I had to share. Sorry. :)Forgive me?
So even though this story is about 15 years old, I had never heard it.
These twin girls were born weighing only 2 pounds each. While one twin started gaining weight, eating and thriving, the other one was not. Doctors only gave her a little time left to live. Hospital rule was to keep each baby in a seperate incubator but an Intensive Care Nurse knew that something drastic must be done if the other baby was to survive. She put them both in the same incubator (knowing she would probably lose her job for breaking hospital rules) and witnessed a miracle. The heathly baby threw her little arm around her sister and soon enough, her sister's heart-rate began to increase, she began to turn a healthy pink color and she began to eat.
They are now healthy teenagers :)
The last two Saturdays I have woken up, looked at my clock and been like "aahhhh. It's Saturday. I can go back to sleep." It's been even better because it has been raining so the sound of rain hitting my window is in the background. Just when I roll over and snuggle back into my warm cozy bed, I realize I LEFT MY SUNROOF OPEN IN MY CAR. Seriously one of the worst feelings ever. Knowing you should get up, go outside in the rain and close it when you really just want to go to sleep. Ya'll know that feeling? When you realize you SHOULD be doing something and you try to ignore it. But then you end up not enjoying what you are trying to do because you KNOW in the back of your mind you should just go do that thing you don't want to do? Confusing, but you get me right? ;)
Happy TuesDay! <3
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