well that was my OLD mindset. like literally. I would probably make some sort of countdown calendar, and say I was only going to eat gluten-free or something for the next 5+ months.
BUT. I am NOT allowing myself to do that. \
so. this week was great. I went out to eat a few times, went out for drinks in Seattle, went to dinner at our marital group leader's house etc.
so I was a liiiiiiiiiiiiitle nervous about weighing in.
old Lindsay mindset: "healthy" equals pleasantly plump. healthy is a polite way of saying you could be skinnier!
new Lindsay: HEALTHY IS THE GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so off i went this morning.
dun dun dunnnnnn
-2.6 pounds
you guys! I know this blog seems all la-di, da, losing weight most every week, but if only you knew.
i have literally spent almost every waking SECOND of my life the last 5 years gaining weight or losing.
When I was losing weight, I was OBSESSED with just thinking about vegetables and miles on the treadmill.
When I was gaining weight (yes, a little more fun :) I would be thinking about what elaborate meal I would eat for lunch. and then for dinner. and then what kind of dessert recipe I would bake.
i have literally never felt so free in my entire life.
I can have thoughts in my head that aren't just about food, and not be doomed to weigh 300 pounds. it is possible. and i seriously was starting to think the only way to be a HEALTHY weight range was to constantly be HYPER VIGILANT about your caloric intake.welp. turns out? that was part of the problem.
so yeah. things are going great.
ANNNNNDDDDD something else a little bit exciting...
yep. that's right. more to come on that later :)
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