sometimes (okay, most of the time) I feel like trying to figure out what I am supposed to do with my life is like finding a needle in a haystack. Is finding your dream/perfect job being in the right place at the right time, or knowing the right person? For lots of situations I hear about? Yes.
Must you pick the PERFECT major in college if you want to be happy 9-5 every single Monday through Friday for the next 40 years? I think sometimes, yes.
What if you "love" your job, but realize you really deserve to be fulfilled in a little greater sense in the monetary division? AKA you like your job, but don't earn as much as you deserve?
It goes even beyond that though. Should I spend every Tuesday night when I really want to be watching The Voice (don't tell me you don't find Adam Levine smoking hot) at photography class (WHICH IS SOOO INCREDIBLY BORING) just because I signed up and committed to all four sessions?
(this may seem silly, but seriously. it the worst two hours EVER. I dread it all week.)
Sometimes I feel like I am going to figure out what I "wanna be when I grow up" when I am in my nursing home at 79 years old. Or I will finally realize, "oohh, THAT'S what I was supposed to spend my life doing" after that opportunity is long gone.
It's like a freaking game to figure out what God wants me to do with me life, and I have never been good at games. (I lost my USTA tennis match yesterday to two 60+ year olds. Me and Amanda, my partner, are both 25. ha.)
I came across this:
Remember, God's will is not something that is lost that you need to find.
It is not something he is keeping from you,
leaking out hints along the way,
keeping you guessing
so that you are never quite sure what to do.
so many times I feel like I must not be praying enough, not donating enough to the homeless man on the corner, not doing something right. Because of this, God is making it tricky for me to figure out what I want to do with my life, or what HE wants to do with me life. He makes the hints and clues harder to find and understand, almost as a punishment.
Man oh man, did I have it wrong.
It's not a game to him. He doesn't like to watch us suffer through jobs our hearts clearly aren't in and missed opportunities.
He WANTS us to figure out his will for us, and will do whatever he can to point us in the perfect direction,
Us? We just have to listen and let Him guide us. :)
happy sunday :) i'm off for a run and to celebrate my dad's birthday with the fam :) and to painstakingly watch the NCAA tourney selection and hope UW makes it in... :/ fingers crossed :)
annnddd to be sad that I can't join my girls in Seattle for one last girl's day with as she begins a very exciting and scary new adventure this coming week. So proud of you girl! getting ready to book my ticket to see YOU and the sun :) <3
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