after the holidays I will start eating more fruits and veggies.
oh no. spring break is in two months. I have to run 5 miles a day every day until then so i can look smokin' in that swimsuit.
i have to lose x pounds by x date so that blah blah blah.
i am AMAZINGLY good at reaching these goals (i always told Drew that if they had a Biggest Loser for chubby skinny people I would SO win. :)
the problem? i reach them and then say okay made it.
that was my problem the first few times I did Weight Watchers. I LOVED weighing in and losing weight each week, but when I got to my goal I got bored.
I don't really know how to maintain weight. I am a PRO at losing and gaining. But staying the same? not so much.
these deadlines that I impose on myself are just setting me up for failure.
lose 20 pounds by the wedding.
but this morning at weigh in? Not pretty. and i'm just sick of this.
so for the first time in my ENTIRE life, I have no timeline.
I already got married and had 123,545 pictures taken of myself. I don't have to fit into a prom dress, impress a boy in my bikini during Spring Break or be a size 2 by the holidays.
i'm not setting a date in my planner when I want to be back at goal weight.
i am going to take one day at a time, and work on healthy life habits that won't come and go. :)
heard this conversation between Leah at Weight Watcher's and the members in her meeting:
leah: "so you guys have dropped your cell phone right?"
"and when you drop your precious iphone, you don't start kicking and stomping on it?
"you don't think, 'well since my cute case got one little scratch in the corner, I might as well smash the rest of the phone and just get a new one later."
yep. sounds silly, but this is the attitude I have with my body.
and i'm done with it. it's not about numbers on the scale or the size of my new jeans.
it's about being HEALTHY, and being healthy doesn't mean losing twenty pounds if you can gain it right back by reverting to old habits. :)
today: our 1/2 marathon training program said we had to do 4 miles. :(
instead of running the entire time staring at my iphone Nike App watching my mile times and cussing John Mayer every time one of his songs comes on my workout mix (when i am exhausted and need to run faster, Your Body is a Wonderland" doesn't help me much") I decided to look around
look at what I had been missing along my running course since I was so freaking focused on distance and time.
not too shabby :)
who knows what else I have been missing? I am gonna find out :)
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