a month of wedded bliss is officially in the books for Mr. and Mrs. McDonald. :)
i feel like our wedding was SOOO long ago, not a measly 31 days.
how have we been? well, its been GREAT. i mean, not rainbows and butterflies every minute of every day (for instance: this morning drew woke me up at 5:30 to help him find his PEDOMETER that he had to bring to work for some reason. really? pedometer? i don't know where that is ya weirdo :) but I have learned so much about myself, about him and we are figuring out this lovely journey of marriage. :)
what exactly have I learned in the past month?
sure, i'll tell ya. :)
1.) CROCK-POTS ARE AMAZING. oh my gosh. you freaking add three things in the morning, turn it on and come home to dinner.
2.) I also learned what beef roast was. The recipe called for beef roast and I wandered the meat aisle for a good twenty minutes deciding the recipe was wrong and they clearly meant pork roast. whoops. :)
3.) I have learned that my husband is a very, very methodical man. If he starts a load of laundry, he waits until the washing machine beeps, then he moves it directly into the dryer. When it is dry he folds it and puts it away. Me? ehh. i like to stretch the process out over the course of a few days. ;) he may or may not daily complain that the stuff i was smells like mildew ;/
proof? if he is gonna make a fire, he makes a fire. :)
4.) I have also learned to TRUST my husband. just because he does things a little different than I would, he still gets results. :)
5.) I have learned that it just isn't really a good idea to go to Target with Drew. He doesn't like it. I get mad and don't have fun. We fight and argue. No point. :) He doesn't like to decorate, he could care less about the print on the pillows or what colors the nightstands are painted. I have learned that it doesn't matter if the throw pillows don't match the chair in the living room. Home is where we are making our little life. :)
6.) I have also learned that you can do a LOT of things with spray paint. :)
7.) I have learned that just because I got a new last name doesn't mean I am no longer a part of my family :)
and to celebrate this month of things learned:
i embarrassed D with a celebration cake. :)
the baker lady congratulated me on my one month of dating my boyfriend.
heck no lady. we are big time now. :)
learning every step of the way.
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