Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Love Train
When the little girls were little-er they never thought about rotating so we ALL got a chance to get a massage without massaging.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Winter time?
You must be methodical and planned out. :)
but wait. I was missing out! Today at the grocery store I saw.... SEASONAL MIKE'S HARD LEMONADE.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
My New Career Choice
watched some mini-cheerleaders...
and found my new career calling... :)
it was freaking AMAZING. Those girls can lift, throw, jump, kick, do gymnastics, dance, and do the cheerleader face alllll at the same time. :) Like seriously, could you THROW your friend in the air, have her do the splits, do a flipping backflip and then catch her? All with a huge SMILE on your face. I can't even talk on my cell phone and run up the stairs at work without getting winded. :)Really, I had no idea. The music was so fun (ya know, all the trendy, hot songs that I feel like I am too old to listen to?) and seriously, those girls can groove. I was very impressed.
maybe to start my practicing, next year I will enter the somersault competition... what do you think? :)
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Going Overboard!
-- "If it leads you down the wrong path, don't follow it."
Okay... Starbucks has pumpkin spice lattes and peppermint mochas. Gramma only makes the cinnamon rolls Thanksgiving and Christmas. The PEPPERMINT BARK hERSHEY KISSES ONLY COME OUT FOR ONE MONTH A YEAR! I haveeeeee to eat them! Maybe for you it's the hot buttered rum or the spiked hot cocoa at the ugly Christmas sweater parties! Pastor Grant said today something that really resonated with me. If you can't handle it, just. don't. do. it. If you struggle with over-indulging in food, then just don't go to the buffet. If you make a fool of yourself AND your spouse after a few too many drinks at the office Christmas party, maybe reconsider:)
--"Invite Jesus into every purchase you make"
Okay. So yesss. This does sound a little "sunday schoolish" bumper-stickerish. BUT. think about it :) Since during this season the whole POINT is to honor the Big Guy's birthday, everything we do to celebrate the season should be, in theory, to celebrate him :) Soo... before really... should i spend $100 on wrapping paper and gift tags and bows and ribbon and those wrist-tape dispensers (so. our family gets competitive with who finds the cutest wrapping paper. I won last year. thank youuuu Target :) just because I LOVE wrapping presents. Probably not. Not the best use of my money. :)
--"Sometimes the correct answer is "no"
I ALWAYS think the right answer is yes. "Can you babysit?" YES! "Wanna come over and bake Christmas cookies?" YES! "Can you head the decoration committee for the Christmas party?" OF COURSE! "Wanna have a Justin Beiber Christmas CD dance party on Friday?" HECK YEAAAH! Even though all of these things are fun, festive and there is nothing wrong with the, sometimes we just can't do it all. Sometimes, we NEED to say no, for everyone's sake ;) (p.s. FYI, don't ever ask me to be on a decorations committee. i am horrible at decorating. :)
Monday, November 14, 2011
The birthday girl thought they were pretty cool too! (see the unoriginal, un-homemade tricycle in the background? that was my gift :)
(but really. liss says they are easy to make? anyone wanna try and report back to me?
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Simplify Your Life
The truth? I am afraid if I get rid of it I won't know what's going on! Drew thinks it's weird borderline psycho I even care what so and so named their twin baby or how so and so from high school got engaged. (lots of these people I haven't even talked to in YEARS!) When I write this out, yes it does sound super creepy. I don't like to refer to it as "stalking" but more just like super intensive research ;)
Anyways... so, I have been trying to find ways to simplify my life so I can learn to keep my facebook account but just use in moderation ;) Moderation, moderation, moderation. :)
I tried downing an app on my ipad that would de-activate my facebook account for a certain amount of time. (This is more for college students who can de-activate during finals week so they can focus on their schoolwork with no distractions. Then. finals are over. party hard. facebook is back.) :)
Then I tried downloading some timers, and I would allow myself 30 minutes a day to surf the net, facebook included. Didn't work. I spent half the time stressed out just staring at the timer as the seconds ticked away :) annddd it remained me of my tooth brush timer from when I was little... Bad memories. ;)
Then one morning I got this lovely email from my friend Alissa!
1.) Turn off all technology for 60 minutes a day and focus on doing your most important work.
2.) Don't check your email first thing in the morning.
3.) Start your day with exercise!
4.) Be obedient to the sabbath!
5.) Learn to say no.
6.) Plan your week ahead. (Schedule space and time for work, rest, exercise, hanging out with friends, etc.)
7.) Don't answer your phone every time it rings.
8.) Get up early.
9.) Go to bed early.
10.) Eat a big healthy breakfast.
11.) Clean out your closets. If you don't wear it or don't use, get rid of it!
12.) Stop watching TV.
13.) Make sure you plan a decent vacation at least once a year. (at least 10 days to be truly regenerative.)
14.) Learn to protect your time.
15. Do your banking online.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thanksgiving is where we show thanks for what we have. Veteran's day is where we show thanks for the people who fought for what we have
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
I usually don't really watch movies that are copied after books because the movie just always seems to ruin the book :) I like to keep the characters in my head the way I picture them, not what Steven Spiehlberg casts :)
So I didn't see The Help when it came out.
Fast forward to tonight. I texted my momma's bestie telling her that I missed my wedding planner. (she is my wedding planner. so when ya'all don't like your seating arrangment? It's her to go after. ;) She texted me back, asking if I wanted to go see The Help tonight with her and her friend Heather!
I first thought... umm.. The Help is STILL out?
So I went.
and I literally haven't stopped gushing tears for the last 17 straight minutes. Like seriously, the top of my sweater is SOPPING wet from my tears.
seriously. those women are SO brave. So many times came flooding back into my head of times when I totally went with the flow, went with what the "cool" kids were doing, or just agreed because I was too embarrassed.
This movie shows the other side; just how influential our words can be.
Hurtful phrases that you don't even think twice about? You have NO idea the effect of those.
Something as simple as "You is kind, you is smart, you is important?" You have NO idea how important that message can be. ;)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Fun, but I think a 7 year old and a 9 year old are a little beyond this activity.
Jenna took one look at the hershey kisses and the package of cookies and said, "Man. I know what we are gonna do. We just stick the hershey kisses on and make a hat."
yep. that's right smarty pants :)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Love Train
When the little girls were little-er they never thought about rotating so we ALL got a chance to get a massage without massaging.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Winter time?
You must be methodical and planned out. :)
but wait. I was missing out! Today at the grocery store I saw.... SEASONAL MIKE'S HARD LEMONADE.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
My New Career Choice
watched some mini-cheerleaders...
and found my new career calling... :)
it was freaking AMAZING. Those girls can lift, throw, jump, kick, do gymnastics, dance, and do the cheerleader face alllll at the same time. :) Like seriously, could you THROW your friend in the air, have her do the splits, do a flipping backflip and then catch her? All with a huge SMILE on your face. I can't even talk on my cell phone and run up the stairs at work without getting winded. :)Really, I had no idea. The music was so fun (ya know, all the trendy, hot songs that I feel like I am too old to listen to?) and seriously, those girls can groove. I was very impressed.
maybe to start my practicing, next year I will enter the somersault competition... what do you think? :)
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Going Overboard!
-- "If it leads you down the wrong path, don't follow it."
Okay... Starbucks has pumpkin spice lattes and peppermint mochas. Gramma only makes the cinnamon rolls Thanksgiving and Christmas. The PEPPERMINT BARK hERSHEY KISSES ONLY COME OUT FOR ONE MONTH A YEAR! I haveeeeee to eat them! Maybe for you it's the hot buttered rum or the spiked hot cocoa at the ugly Christmas sweater parties! Pastor Grant said today something that really resonated with me. If you can't handle it, just. don't. do. it. If you struggle with over-indulging in food, then just don't go to the buffet. If you make a fool of yourself AND your spouse after a few too many drinks at the office Christmas party, maybe reconsider:)
--"Invite Jesus into every purchase you make"
Okay. So yesss. This does sound a little "sunday schoolish" bumper-stickerish. BUT. think about it :) Since during this season the whole POINT is to honor the Big Guy's birthday, everything we do to celebrate the season should be, in theory, to celebrate him :) Soo... before really... should i spend $100 on wrapping paper and gift tags and bows and ribbon and those wrist-tape dispensers (so. our family gets competitive with who finds the cutest wrapping paper. I won last year. thank youuuu Target :) just because I LOVE wrapping presents. Probably not. Not the best use of my money. :)
--"Sometimes the correct answer is "no"
I ALWAYS think the right answer is yes. "Can you babysit?" YES! "Wanna come over and bake Christmas cookies?" YES! "Can you head the decoration committee for the Christmas party?" OF COURSE! "Wanna have a Justin Beiber Christmas CD dance party on Friday?" HECK YEAAAH! Even though all of these things are fun, festive and there is nothing wrong with the, sometimes we just can't do it all. Sometimes, we NEED to say no, for everyone's sake ;) (p.s. FYI, don't ever ask me to be on a decorations committee. i am horrible at decorating. :)
Monday, November 14, 2011
The birthday girl thought they were pretty cool too! (see the unoriginal, un-homemade tricycle in the background? that was my gift :)
(but really. liss says they are easy to make? anyone wanna try and report back to me?
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Simplify Your Life
The truth? I am afraid if I get rid of it I won't know what's going on! Drew thinks it's weird borderline psycho I even care what so and so named their twin baby or how so and so from high school got engaged. (lots of these people I haven't even talked to in YEARS!) When I write this out, yes it does sound super creepy. I don't like to refer to it as "stalking" but more just like super intensive research ;)
Anyways... so, I have been trying to find ways to simplify my life so I can learn to keep my facebook account but just use in moderation ;) Moderation, moderation, moderation. :)
I tried downing an app on my ipad that would de-activate my facebook account for a certain amount of time. (This is more for college students who can de-activate during finals week so they can focus on their schoolwork with no distractions. Then. finals are over. party hard. facebook is back.) :)
Then I tried downloading some timers, and I would allow myself 30 minutes a day to surf the net, facebook included. Didn't work. I spent half the time stressed out just staring at the timer as the seconds ticked away :) annddd it remained me of my tooth brush timer from when I was little... Bad memories. ;)
Then one morning I got this lovely email from my friend Alissa!
1.) Turn off all technology for 60 minutes a day and focus on doing your most important work.
2.) Don't check your email first thing in the morning.
3.) Start your day with exercise!
4.) Be obedient to the sabbath!
5.) Learn to say no.
6.) Plan your week ahead. (Schedule space and time for work, rest, exercise, hanging out with friends, etc.)
7.) Don't answer your phone every time it rings.
8.) Get up early.
9.) Go to bed early.
10.) Eat a big healthy breakfast.
11.) Clean out your closets. If you don't wear it or don't use, get rid of it!
12.) Stop watching TV.
13.) Make sure you plan a decent vacation at least once a year. (at least 10 days to be truly regenerative.)
14.) Learn to protect your time.
15. Do your banking online.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thanksgiving is where we show thanks for what we have. Veteran's day is where we show thanks for the people who fought for what we have
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
I usually don't really watch movies that are copied after books because the movie just always seems to ruin the book :) I like to keep the characters in my head the way I picture them, not what Steven Spiehlberg casts :)
So I didn't see The Help when it came out.
Fast forward to tonight. I texted my momma's bestie telling her that I missed my wedding planner. (she is my wedding planner. so when ya'all don't like your seating arrangment? It's her to go after. ;) She texted me back, asking if I wanted to go see The Help tonight with her and her friend Heather!
I first thought... umm.. The Help is STILL out?
So I went.
and I literally haven't stopped gushing tears for the last 17 straight minutes. Like seriously, the top of my sweater is SOPPING wet from my tears.
seriously. those women are SO brave. So many times came flooding back into my head of times when I totally went with the flow, went with what the "cool" kids were doing, or just agreed because I was too embarrassed.
This movie shows the other side; just how influential our words can be.
Hurtful phrases that you don't even think twice about? You have NO idea the effect of those.
Something as simple as "You is kind, you is smart, you is important?" You have NO idea how important that message can be. ;)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Fun, but I think a 7 year old and a 9 year old are a little beyond this activity.
Jenna took one look at the hershey kisses and the package of cookies and said, "Man. I know what we are gonna do. We just stick the hershey kisses on and make a hat."
yep. that's right smarty pants :)