i remember someone asking my friend Katie how married life was after she got married and she said, "well. i'm not going to lie. it's not like it's all glitter rainbows and unicorns but it's good!"
that stuck in my head and i just wanted to thank her for being so honest. (she probably doesn't even remember saying this :)
planning our wedding was so fun and then you kind of just expect everything to be perfect. you get to play "house" and are officially grownup. rainbows and unicorns, right? :)
Katie's confession still helps me. When I start to panic about the fact that there are some things we just. don't. agree.on. or just things that still make me feel like we are the worst couple in the world, I remember it's not all rainbows and unicorns, but it still can be good.
some differences I have noticed as of lately:
1.) he is in my life for a reason.
i made cinnamon rolls for my last day of work on Friday. :( up at 6AM, slaving away... Drew took Friday off so while I was scurrying around he was in bed yelling, "babbeeeee. can i pleassseeee have one?"
they looked so pretty all snug in their pans and I REALLLY did not want to take one out for him.
I finally did, to make him stop whining and my knife hit a hard spot when I was cutting it.
UMM?!?!!>? had it not been for my husband who wanted to taste a cinnamon roll, I would have brought 3 dozen CHARRED cinnamon rolls to work, and had absolutely NO idea.
after I left them on the counter in a huff, he texted me later to let me know he found one that wasn't burnt on the bottom and it was delicious. haha. thanks :)
2.) He does math in the grocery store.
not like adding up how much we have spent or anything like that, but more like he likes to figure out how much per ounce or per beer bottle and get the best deal. My hubby is a Costco boy at heart. He loovvessss bulk.
In the beer aisle, I usually just start looking at all the new Skinny Girl Margarita flavors instead of trying to help him decide which beer to get.
It REALLLYY irks him that a six pack would be on sale, but not the case of 12. He will figure out how much one bottle costs in each instance, and go from there.
i suppose it is a good thing. it just takes us 3 times as long to get out of the store. and by then, my pumpkin icecream is melting. and i am not a happy camper. :)
3.) we do NOT have the same taste in color/decorating combinations. (aka i don't think there is anything in the world that he cares less about then decorating. :( )
like really. all i needed was a text confirmation about which one he wanted for his "man cave".
"I can't tell the difference"
"I don't care"
are not helpful answers and get my blood a'boiling for some silly reason :)
but really?! "can't tell the difference?" commmeee onnn :)
i think he has started just ignoring me when it comes to questions about color shades. but really. this is VERY important, right?! dandelion and sunshine are SIGNIFICANTLY different :)
i won't even go there with all the things that Drew has learned about me.
all the condiments have to go on the same shelf in the fridge or else.
i realllyyy don't like cleaning food out of the kitchen sink
and for some reason I leave water glasses alllll over the house.
these little things? had someone told me on my wedding day that in three months I would get sooo irritated when it took 15 minutes to go down the chip aisle, I would love laughed and said "no way."
rainbows and unicorns everyday.
photo by the lovely holly aprecio
three months in?
i love this man more than ever, color-blindness and all. :)
perhaps even great ;)
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