This might seem weird, but seriously for the last 4 months, EVERY SINGLE morning (except for probably 15) I have eaten oatmeal and fruit for breakfast. For lunch? The exact. same. thing. for the workweek everyday. Yes, people made fun of me, but I wasn't sick of it. I liked it, it satisfied me for the day. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? I was getting my servings of fruits and veggies, it was easier if it was just the same thing, blah, blah, blah. Like I have said, I have worked VERY hard the last year to establish healthy habits and it was working for me. I wasn't about to mix it up.
That, my friends, has changed. I am SOOO sick of those lunches I am not sure I will ever be able to eat Green Giant frozen broccoli and cheese EVER again. I seriously was in a funk. What in the heck do I pack for lunch? I was SOO used to doing the same things every night, that I felt lost. Pathetic, I know.
I was in the kitchen stressing out about how I should have listened in Weight Watchers meetings when they said sometimes people burn out and you HAVE to be flexible. (I always thought, eh, whateve)
"He's not finished with me yet."
My sister was playing a Brandon Heath song, and those words were getting stuck in my head.
I am a work in progress. There is no "date" when I magically have to have lost X amount of pounds, or if I backtrack a little or stall in my progress, all is not lost.
"He's not finished with me yet."
He is constantly working in me. While I like to see measurable (as in I can physically see with my own eyes :) progress, the idea that I thought I had the working 9-5 lunch down is now funny. What was I THINKING? That eating a yogurt EVERY. SINGLE. DAY at 11:15AM wouldn't get boring sometime in the next 35 years before I retire? Just because I never want to look at a yogurt again, doesn't mean I FAIL at a good protein/fiber snack choice in the mid-morning and all had been a waste.
"He's not finished with me yet."
So, instead of eating an Opal apple (YOU SHOULD TRY THEM! They are the bright yellow ones!) EVERY day, I decided to branch out a little. I bought 6 DIFFERENT kinds of apples, and am gonna try a new one every day this week. :) For someone who has ALWAYS eaten the same kind, this is a BIG step. I'll let ya know how those Pink Ladies compare :)
I am learning a little redirection doesn't mean FAILURE because "He's not finished with me yet" and that's a GOOD thing ;)
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