In the middle of my little mess, I forget how big I'm blessed.
Saturday involved some organizing and spring cleaning. Ya know the part when you are all excited about re-organizing and dump everything out of all the drawers? Then you look at the HUGE mess you have just made and realize organizing isn't quite so fun? While trying to get my ipod/ipad/ipod shuffle cords and chargers finally straightened out;
LOVE in the chaos...
I reallllllyyyyyyyy was craving mexican food this weekend and Saturday was supposed to be date night. The plan was to try out a new mexican restaurant that had just opened up. Date night didn't work out as planned...I was mad and to be honest I was acting like a brat about it. So I guess homemade mexican was as good as I was gonna get. Opened the cupboard hungry and crabby thinking about my margarita and carne asada that I SHOULDN'T OF HAD TO COOK;
Played some cribbage. I have won the last five games probably and I think I was getting a little over-confident. It was just getting too easy :). I got completely CRUSHED this game. Add to my crabbiness... But look... NO JOKE! This was my last hand;
LOVE in loss.
I barely EVER drink caffeine. Today I was just feeling kinda blah and water just wasn't doing it for me. I started to feel my 'stevia-> fake sugar is bad for you-> cancer' pep-talk crawling into my brain. I gave myself a break;
LOVE in moderation.
"In the middle of my little mess, I forget how big I'm blessed.
It might not be what I would choose, but this is the stuff you use."
Hey, it worked for me this weekend. Take a look around, LOVE is everywhere :)
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