Sometimes my boyfriend makes fun of us (I guess makes fun of me?) for being a matchy-matchy couple.
Like I might notice we are both wearing darkerish jeans, a type of zip-up hoody (different colors, of course) and flipflops. Or we both are wearing plaid/flannel-ish shirts. Me in my UGG boots, him in his man-UGG slipper/shoes. (Yes, he has them.) Or more recently: Us running around Lake Padden with our clip-on ipod shuffles (mine=pink, his=blue) and then noticing we are both wearing our Nike Free running shoes (mine=pink, his=blue). Gross. :)
It really isn't on purpose. I mean, it's not like we went shopping and both picked out the same running shoes the same day. But I know when I see matchy couples there is a very fine line between ohh-look-how-cute-they-are and oh-my-gosh-i-want-to-throw-up... I don't need to get me a pair of Asics tomorrow, do I??? But anyways... Drew and I run together alot and we always have. He usually beats me, except a few times that I have not let him forget. He is quicker, whereas I can go the distance (thank you 1/2 marathons, I knew you were good for something!) Drew and I also go to a lot of movies... which can get pricey... Where are we going with this?
- We go to one of our fav running spots, a little 3 mile loop around a little lake.
- We pick a spot to start, but we each run OPPOSITE directions so we don't know how fast the other person is going.
- First one back to the starting spot WINS.
What do you win, might you ask?
The winner gets to pick the movie to go see for the week/weekend AND the loser has to pay for both tickets :)
So. If you lose, not only do you have to pay the 20 bucks to go, BUT you probably have to pay for a movie you don't really want to see. (For instance: Battle: Los Angles...ugh)
If that is not motivation for movie-goers like us, I don't know what is.
I'll let you know how Soul Surfer is next week after we see it :) hehe
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