So ya'll know I do Weight Watchers. I have lost over 50 pounds and this has been the best year of my life. (The last year's success is not ALL due to weight loss, but it is a HUGE part of it.)
Anyways. So these last two days have not been good. I have fallen off the weight watchers wagon and have been eating whatevvaaa I want. Not that big of a deal, except that this is ALWAYS what has happened. I get off track, maybe gain one or two pounds back and instead of just saying BUMMER DUDE, and getting back to it, I get SO. DOWN. ON. MYSELF. I am a perfectionist. If I can't be PERFECT, I feel like I have failed and just would rather sulk. So, these last two days have SUCKED. Well, I already screwed up, might as well finish off the day with some icecream and start fresh tomorrow. Ya'll know that mindset, right?
Enter Demi Lovato. Cute little thing who has been in rehab with some issues. I recently found out about a campaign she is doing along with the Jed Foundation.
The campaign urges girls to write "love is louder than the pressure to be perfect'' on their hands, with lipstick on their mirrors, on their lockers etc, take a picture and then upload to either their
facebook page or the foundation website. So cool. I love stuff like this. But the last couple days, I have found myself thinking about this quote.
These are some of the cute ones that have already been submitted to the websites. In my head, the pressure to be perfect is the LOUDEST voice I
ever hear. It overrides God's gentle voice, my common sense, advice from my friends and family, advice I have paid big bucks for from my psychiatrist/psychologist (I said more on this later :). The pressure to be perfect takes over. I have spent the last year FINALLY learning to quiet down that voice. The last few days however? It has ROARED back, even louder than EVER.
"You suck Lindsay. You couldn't even say no to a little doughnut in the office. What kind of person are you?"
"Someone's birthday? And you decided to eat a little piece of cake? PSSHHH. If you can't even say no to that, you must be a FAILURE."
Normally I would get so down on myself because I would believe that voice. "Yep. If I can't even stick my brown-bag lunch. what's the point? I will never be able to do this."
But ya know what? Demi is totally right. Love is louder. Love from my bf. Love from my friends. Love from my God. Love for MYSELF.
Not everyone struggles with their weight.Some people feel like a failure when they can't control their finances or how much alcohol they're drinking. Whatever. We all have something. But LOVE is louder.
So maybe I gained 5 pounds with my little binge? So what? Tomorrow is a new day and I have some new size 26 inch jeans to wiggle myself into by this weekend;)
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