happy october everyone! fall is on it's way here. drew took this picture at Boulevard Park this weekend.
beautiful, huh?
reminds me of how while God sees the beauty in brokenness and pain and hurt, he also loves when things are beautiful. like picture perfect, right out of a fairytale gorgeous.
i have been having a hard couple weeks. just feeling a little blah and wondering about what I am meant to do in this big scary world of ours.
i have a job, i have a cute little roof over my head, food on the table, my husband has a job and we can afford to go out to eat and go to the movies. :) our families are healthy, our friends are happy and things are good.
i'm doing more than okay, and i shouldn't complain.
i feel like God has bigger more pressing issues to deal with then hearing me pray about potential career changes (when I already HAVE a job and so many people don't), and what Drew and I's next life "move" is, (when we ALREADY have a great little life).
i heard this song this weekend and I burst into tears. just the ZEST that they sing with and the words made me realize that it's okay to ask for God to do big things, to move mountains, even when the valley's i'm facing aren't that really that deep in the grand scheme of things.
::My God's not dead
he's surely alive
he's living on the inside,
roaring like a lion ::
:) ohh Newsboys, thanks for reminding me that God isn't some passive entity that just makes things comfortable enough for me. he's roaring like a lion, and i need to let that roaring shine through me. :)
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