i think drew and i had our first "married" fight.
i think it was about how the TV is dedicated to football thursday night, all day saturday, all day sunday and monday. :)
is it really that much to ask to go to the pumpkin patch?
then it turned into how drew cooks a lot of the time and i don't like to wash dishes. wet food in the drain reaaaaaalllly grosses me out. so sue me :)
so maybe drew cooks a lot? he associates that with me being a bad cook. ruuuuude :)
(remember this is my blog, i can tell my side of the story ;)
we had a reallllllly fun weekend, but were both a little tired yesterday aka crabby.
so i got home from work, drew was already home and we didn't just went about our business not necessarily speaking to each other.
juvenile, i know. but sometimes that's just how things work out. :)
i had said i was going to cook waffles and bacon for dinner so I started cooking and drew came in and asked if i wanted any help.
clearly, i said NO.
i made our Belgian waffles, drew started flipping the bacon and i swooped in and said, "I SAID I DIDN'T NEED HELP."
so off he went to eat his breakfast for dinner.
I ate mine in the dining room, and then before long I notice the house is getting a little foggy, almost hazy.
and man, oh man did it smell like bacon.
so i open up the doors, turn the fan on and deal with the bacon grease.
Drew comes into the kitchen and says, "did you forget to turn off the stove after the bacon was done?"
"NO!" I snapped. "Of course I didn't."
he has a little smile on his face.
because clearly that is EXACTLY what i did to almost set the house on fire, but yet I am still denying it.
how else can i explain that i almost burnt down our house?
as hard as I am trying to keep a straight face, I start smiling.
and then giggling.
and then i cannot. stop. laughing.
so that ended our little "two hour of not-talking thing"
whatever it takes, right?
i was talking to some coworkers and they were talking about how cute it was that we had our first married fight.
then they started talking about how important it is to have that fight. to learn how to fight. to learn how to make up.
i had never even thought of that.
learn how to fight?
The silent-treatment used to be my ultimate fighting method of choice. with my parents, with boyfriends, didn't matter. :) silent treatment was the way to go.
drew and i used to fight like that too, when we were dating. see who caved first. who gave in.
now? i am realizing it's not about "giving in."
so yeah maybe the first hour of not talking and passing silently in the hallway was fun, i slowly started to realize there was no point.
it's not about who "wins" the fight.
it's just a bummer it almost took the house burning down to realize it :)
andddd we may or may not have had a good laugh when we woke up this morning and the house STILL smelt like bacon. oooops. :)
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