At that stupid store you ALWAYS end up with stuff in your basket that you DO. NOT. need. Like seriously. I get to the checkout with what was supposed to just be my make-up remover (or whatever it is i think i NEED that day) and have so much stuff I can't even be in the express lane.
Such was the story a few days ago. I was barely over the 8 item limit and being the good Samaritan that I was, sucked it up, braced myself to wait a good fifteen minutes and hopped in a normal line with my measly 9 items.
Finally I got to where there was only two customers ahead of me.
The worker had finished bagging this ladies gazillion bags and told her the total. The lady looked back at the line, looked at the cashier and said. "Please don't hate me." She then proceeded to hand the cashier a stack of COUPONS like an inch thick. You could HEAR the groans from everyone else in line and the cashier gave her a death glare.
Now, I know that saving money is AWESOME and the coupon craze is pretty cool. (I watch the couponing shows just like the next person). BUUUUUT. To be on the other side of the situation? Perhaps if you KNOW you have a gazillion coupons, maybe try and schedule your shopping trip not at noon during a weekday? I was seriously SOO annoyed. (Plus side: I got to continue reading about Kim Kardashian's "pregnancy")
Even before the coupons were unveiled, the lady in front of me (seriously she was 4 feet tall and looked JUST like Betty White in 20 years) asked if I liked shopping at Wal-Mart. I smiled, gave her an answer and continued perusing the tabloids. Oh. My. Goodness. That dear old lady would NOT leave me alone and literally asked 10 questions about each item in my cart. I learned about her retirement party 20 years ago, her favorite type of instant oatmeal and her little dog. So she finally checks out and is walking away when she hobbles back to me and says... NO JOKE HERE. "Would you like to come over to my house sometime? I could make you lunch. I just live down the street. Look me up in the phonebook. My last name is Johnson. I look forward to hearing from you soon."
I manage some sort of reply and when its finally MY turn at the check stand, the cashier says, "At first I thought that was really cute, but then I realized you guys didn't know each other..." First of all, even if I DID try and call the crazy lady... Johnson? In the phone book? Ummmm.... there are TONS of Johnsons. Second of all, just weird.
After escaping Wal-mart, I head to get a quick brow wax at my favorite little salon. However, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. as I am walking to the counter to pay, she says, "THAT WILL BE EIGHT DOLLAR." And I hand over my debit card, she runs it, and the receipt she gives me says TEN DOLLARS.
Now, it specially says TIP is not included. I know it shouldn't bug me, but I get soooo irritated. I don't care about the extra two bucks, but don't SAY it is only $8 then. Why then, you ask, do I keep going there? Don't know. Or even better, why don't I ASK the freaking lady why she says 8 and runs it for 10? Good question. And yes. I still tip her. My eyebrows are very difficult little buggers and she handles the monsters well ;)
I finally stumble back into work on what seemed like the longeessttt hour of my life with not much to show for it.
Except I do.
The coupon lady? What I might not have mentioned is that when I asked the cashier if she got a lot of extreme couponers, she shrugged and yes, and that most were annoying :) But the lady I had been annoyed with for slowing down the line? She came in once a month with those coupons and all the stuff she bought? She donated it to a local food bank.
What about my little old lady friend Miss Johnson? Believe it or not, I saw her the NEXT DAY when I ran in to return my RedBox rentals at Wal-Mart. She once again asked if I was going to come over. (Had it not been for her Betty White resemblance, I would not even have recognized her.) Her husband said, "Geez, honey. Leave the girl alone. She isn't Sadie." He then proceeded to tell me that I looked like their daughter who had passed away...
And the eyebrow place? When I was leaving (annoyed at my extra two dollar charge) I told the worker to enjoy the sunny weather. She laughed and said "Sunshine? What sunshine?" I turned to her and said, "Well. did you get to enjoy the weather on your day off?" She laughed again. She doesn't get days off. She works EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. She proceeded to tell me in the last five years she has had... 6. DAYS. OFF!! IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS!
Do ya know what I learned on that hour long lunch break? A huge lesson.
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