Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Lone Wolf is Becoming a Pack

so we had date night on Saturday night. dinner at the Mexican restaurant in fairhaven. great conversation, great food, great mexican tequila. all gravy, baby. I also love to embarrass Drew by speaking Spanish to the waitresses. I think he is just annoyed he has no idea what we are talking about :) I also think I throw off the waiters and cooks when I giggle when they talk to each other. cuz I know what they are saying. and their jokes aren't always appropriate :)

We were kinnddaaa starting to finish up our food when D said, "hey. we haven't really been hanging out that much together the last few weekends, huh? Have you noticed that too?"

Yep. I had. I mean, like Friday we both got off work, met at my house (got my car unstuck out of the snow in my own driveway) went to my grandma's birthday party, hung out, then ran to the grocery store and then he dropped me back off at home. Totally fine, but normally we probably would have either gone out or rented a movie and gone back to his place to watch it.

I told him that yes, I had noticed it too.

He proceeded to tell me it was because he had just gotten the realization that in the near future, he would no longer be a "lone wolf" (yes, he used an analogy from the Hangover and yes, that is why I love him :) and weekends wouldn't be spent at the bachelor pad, drinking brews and watching three movies in a row and catching up on DVRed sporting events from the week. alll while no one bugging him to take a shower or get a hair-cut or to take off the basketball jersey he is wearing that probably already was a bit too small in 8th grade... WHEN HE GOT IT. :)

He talked about how he knew in the coming months, our precious Saturdays off from work would be spent registering for wedding gifts or taste-taking cakes.

At first, I was a little offended. UMmm. He was the one that asked ME to marry HIM, last time I checked :) I ordered another bud light and gave my "that was a rude thing to say" stare :)


I think it's hard for us to imagine what married life will be like, since we have never lived together. It's hard because when we do hang out, we go do something fun or are actively engaging in an activity. I never go over to his place and sit on the computer and blog, while he does his own thing and plays videogames. I don't read while he watches a movie. I don't make cookies while he is making his fantasy football lineup for the week.

I think that we both forget that just because we will be married, doesn't mean he will have to be stuck with me EVERY. SINGLE. SATURDAY night for the rest of our lives. We will have our life together, but that will STILL include our own seperate lives, as well.

So. We took home our leftovers in SEPERATE containers (plus mine was WAY better and there was no way I was going to let him eat mine)

and stopped at the red box. we rented our OWN movies (guess which one is mine? hehe)

and he dropped me off at home. Even though I totally understand where he was coming from, I will admit. My feelings were a little hurt :/

so I did what any single, young woman would logically do at 8:07PM on a Saturday night. I put on my PINK sweatpants and lululemon sweatshirt, hopped in the car and jetted off to Target.

Where I proceeded to buy some diet coke, a rather highly priced lip gloss (that promises to increase the plumpless of my lips by 19%, mind you) a new spatula and a magazine. :) i felt much better.

That night before I went to sleep, I called D to say goodnight and we talked and talked and talked and had the best conversation we had had in awhile. Not about our conversation at dinner, not about the wedding, not about our relationship. Just about random stuff. I realized I hadn't laughed that long in awhile.

So who cares if he TOTALLY ditched me on a Saturday night? (cough, cough. i do accept flowers) I realized the obligatory Saturday night hang outs aren't what it's about. It's about how freaking much I love this guy, AND his ability to quote movies like The Hangover :)

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Lone Wolf is Becoming a Pack

so we had date night on Saturday night. dinner at the Mexican restaurant in fairhaven. great conversation, great food, great mexican tequila. all gravy, baby. I also love to embarrass Drew by speaking Spanish to the waitresses. I think he is just annoyed he has no idea what we are talking about :) I also think I throw off the waiters and cooks when I giggle when they talk to each other. cuz I know what they are saying. and their jokes aren't always appropriate :)

We were kinnddaaa starting to finish up our food when D said, "hey. we haven't really been hanging out that much together the last few weekends, huh? Have you noticed that too?"

Yep. I had. I mean, like Friday we both got off work, met at my house (got my car unstuck out of the snow in my own driveway) went to my grandma's birthday party, hung out, then ran to the grocery store and then he dropped me back off at home. Totally fine, but normally we probably would have either gone out or rented a movie and gone back to his place to watch it.

I told him that yes, I had noticed it too.

He proceeded to tell me it was because he had just gotten the realization that in the near future, he would no longer be a "lone wolf" (yes, he used an analogy from the Hangover and yes, that is why I love him :) and weekends wouldn't be spent at the bachelor pad, drinking brews and watching three movies in a row and catching up on DVRed sporting events from the week. alll while no one bugging him to take a shower or get a hair-cut or to take off the basketball jersey he is wearing that probably already was a bit too small in 8th grade... WHEN HE GOT IT. :)

He talked about how he knew in the coming months, our precious Saturdays off from work would be spent registering for wedding gifts or taste-taking cakes.

At first, I was a little offended. UMmm. He was the one that asked ME to marry HIM, last time I checked :) I ordered another bud light and gave my "that was a rude thing to say" stare :)


I think it's hard for us to imagine what married life will be like, since we have never lived together. It's hard because when we do hang out, we go do something fun or are actively engaging in an activity. I never go over to his place and sit on the computer and blog, while he does his own thing and plays videogames. I don't read while he watches a movie. I don't make cookies while he is making his fantasy football lineup for the week.

I think that we both forget that just because we will be married, doesn't mean he will have to be stuck with me EVERY. SINGLE. SATURDAY night for the rest of our lives. We will have our life together, but that will STILL include our own seperate lives, as well.

So. We took home our leftovers in SEPERATE containers (plus mine was WAY better and there was no way I was going to let him eat mine)

and stopped at the red box. we rented our OWN movies (guess which one is mine? hehe)

and he dropped me off at home. Even though I totally understand where he was coming from, I will admit. My feelings were a little hurt :/

so I did what any single, young woman would logically do at 8:07PM on a Saturday night. I put on my PINK sweatpants and lululemon sweatshirt, hopped in the car and jetted off to Target.

Where I proceeded to buy some diet coke, a rather highly priced lip gloss (that promises to increase the plumpless of my lips by 19%, mind you) a new spatula and a magazine. :) i felt much better.

That night before I went to sleep, I called D to say goodnight and we talked and talked and talked and had the best conversation we had had in awhile. Not about our conversation at dinner, not about the wedding, not about our relationship. Just about random stuff. I realized I hadn't laughed that long in awhile.

So who cares if he TOTALLY ditched me on a Saturday night? (cough, cough. i do accept flowers) I realized the obligatory Saturday night hang outs aren't what it's about. It's about how freaking much I love this guy, AND his ability to quote movies like The Hangover :)

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